Business Name
Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
Where is your business based
Social Media Link (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Etsy, Etc.)
What type of products/services will you be selling/promoting at the expo?
🛑 Will you be selling tobacco related products, CBD, hand gun accessories or novelty (adult) items?
Select N/A if this does not apply
If yes, you agree to display signs that clearly state that your products are for 18+ / 21+ and that you will ID. Novelty vendors can NOT display specific items on their table and must have discreet bags.
I understand this is an outside event and at the mercy of Mother Nature and will proceed accordingly.
I understand the expo will take place rain or shine.
I understand that I will be provided a 10x10 booth space.
I agree and understand that I am responsible for providing my own tables, chairs, tents, booth set up, lights, decor, etc.
I understand that tents (10x10) are not required but HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
I agree to pay the non-refundable exhibitor registration fee. - I understand that Black Luxe & Co., reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to limit or deny access to any exhibitor or individual if his/her services, products, beliefs, reputation, and/or attitudes go against our core values and mission.
If for any reason my application is denied, I understand that there will be a $25 processing fee deducted from my application fee.
I understand that I can choose to pay the application fee in full or select the Afterpay option to pay the application fee in four payments.
I have read the Terms & Conditions:
Your participation as an exhibitor at a Black Luxe Expo has implied permission to be photographed and a waiving of any right to inspect or approve the finished photographs, or marketing pieces that may be used in conjunction with them, now or in the future, whether that use is known to you or unknown. Your voice, name, and/or likeness may be used without compensation and used by Black Luxe & Co. for marketing and publicity in our publications, on our website, and in social media or in third-party publications.
By signing this form, you affirm and agree to hold harmless the Black Luxe & Company, LLC, its directors, officers, employees, agents, and assigns from any and all loss, claim, action, suit, or liability to third persons (including attorney fees at trial and appeal), from any cause whether directly or indirectly related to this event or this agreement including but not limited to claims for injury to persons including death or destruction of property; whether intentional, negligent or consequential as a result of any act or omission of yours, or the officers, director, employees or agents of your business.