Volunteer Opportunity!

We are actively seeking volunteers during the Black Luxe Expo on Saturday, September 9, 2023, in High Point, NC at the High Point Theatre.

Volunteer Info:

  • Volunteers will assist on the event day for set-up, help with registration, provide guest assistance, help vendors unload items, direct traffic, clean up and assist with any other miscellaneous tasks.

  • Volunteers will work under the direction of the host/owner, volunteer coordinator, and event staff.

Volunteer Meeting:


  • Volunteers are REQUIRED to attend meetings prior to the event to discuss expectations, specific training, and requirements.

Volunteer Expo Day Expectations:

  • All volunteers are required to be at the High Point Theatre at the designated time, on the day of the expo. TBA

  • Volunteers must sign and check in to be accounted for on the day of the expo.

  • Volunteers are required to stay the entire time of the event (unless otherwise approved by the volunteer coordinator), and briefly afterward to recap.

  • Volunteers are expected to be at their stations, performing their assigned duties, for the entire shift to which they commit.

  • Be in the dress code.

Volunteer Benefits:

  • Black Luxe Expo tee shirt.

  • Designated Volunteer lounge area.

  • Community Service hours.

  • Complimentary food, drinks, and snacks